Sign after the ×

Sign after the × _____ is an artist book that weaves togeth­er form and con­tent, image and text, into…

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Speaking in other terms

Alle­gories are, in the realm of thoughts, what ruins are in the realm of things (Wal­ter Ben­jamin, The Ori­gin…

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The Recreation of Reality

By focus­ing on the hid­den details of explor­ing com­mon­place milieus under the inge­nious guid­ance of the cam­era, the film,…

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Corporeal Returns

Scene: Sep­tem­ber 1975; Van­cou­ver Small Claims Court; Diana Dou­glas in the wit­ness box after being sworn in by the…

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Saddam’s Arms

At the end of the First World War, British forces occu­pied Bagh­dad and tried to con­vince the Iraqis that…

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Cast downward

For the world itself has tak­en on a ​‘pho­to­graph­ic face;’ it can be pho­tographed because it strives to be…

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make money to have candy

make mon­ey to have candy”1 They seemed to hold these almonds   at a great price; for…

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Invisible Hands

David Clark’s inter­ac­tive web­site projects A is for Apple (2002) and 88 Con­stel­la­tions for Wittgen­stein (to be played with the Left Hand) (2008)…

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The illu­sion of whole­ness which is the fas­ci­nat­ing pull of style does not con­tra­dict its poten­tial for rup­ture and…

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Holy Shit

After thou­sands of years of fus­ing, melt­ing, sol­der­ing, and forg­ing, we are now splic­ing, recom­bin­ing, insert­ing, and stitch­ing liv­ing…

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